The Ingram Law Office, P.C.

Mr. Ingram is Licensed in Colorado and Wyoming 
Contact Us Today: 970-205-9134
Don't do Yourself an Injustice!

- You have the right to remain silent...use it!
- Always ask for your attorney first!
- Law Enforcement wants your convict you easier!

Don't do yourself an injustice...The Ingram Law Office, P.C. is here for your defense. We focus our practice on criminal defense. Our goal is to provide you with the best possible representation by aggressively pursuing every option available. We work together with you to bring the best resolution to your situation. 

We understand the challenge of being investigated or charged with a crime. You want someone who will fight for your rights. Who can explain the process and guide you through the system. You want someone who can explain the options and long-term impact of any decisions made regarding your case. Time is critical! Experience is important! Help is necessary! 

We also understand the complexity and emotions involved with divorce or custody issues. We will assist you in the resolution of your domestic matter. 

Don't do yourself an injustice, call today. 

We represent clients charged with: 

State and Federal Crimes  Drug Crimes

DWUI/DWUD  Sex Crimes

Violent Crimes  Probation/Parole Violations

Misdemeanors   Domestic Violence
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

Although The Ingram Law Office, P.C. is located in Fort Collins, Colorado this office is only licensed in the State of Wyoming and the U.S. District Court of Wyoming. 

Although The Ingram Law Office, P.C. is located in Fort Collins, Colorado this office is only licensed in the State of Wyoming and the U.S. District Court of Wyoming. 
Although The Ingram Law Office, P.C. is located in Fort Collins, Colorado this office is only licensed in the State of Wyoming and the U.S. District Court of Wyoming. 
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The Ingram Law Office, P.C. is located in Fort Collins, Colorado this office is  licensed in the State of Colorado and the State of Wyoming and the U.S. District Court of Wyoming and Colorado.